As it is the first week of Advent (the lead up to the birth of Jesus Christ), we will be doing lectio divina on holy scripture by meditating, contemplating and praying with the Word. Then we'll watch a short film on the Nativity and have discussions.
Every Wednesday evening, the Catholic Society comes together for faith, fellowship, and prayer. We discuss topics like the Church's social teachings, explore Bible readings, and share personal experiences. Prayer brings us together leading into our discussion topic of the day.
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105)
This term, we're planning some Bible Study sessions sometimes coupled with lectio divina ( 'divine reading' - a guided meditation on the Word). Join us as we delve deeper into the Bible and spend meaningful time with the Lord.
Discover everything CathSoc has to offer by following @uclancathsoc on Instagram. Beyond our weekly gatherings, we will have retreats and hear from inspiring Catholic speakers. Furthermore, join our wider community to engage with other Catholic young adults in Preston.
Please note that we don't meet during Achievement Week
God bless you and we cannot wait to welcome you!