Candidate for the position of Rugby Union - Women - Vice Chair

Eileen Trainor

Hi guys, Eileen here 

The funny Irish one (well the funniest Irish on the team that is) I’m going up for vice chair because after having to sit out for most of the season and the uncertainty of not knowing if I wanted to come back to rugby post op, I want to make a change to the club, that I didn’t expect myself to be joining after being at uclan for so long, here I’ve met friends for life and I want to be able to assist T in her new role as chair as much as I can and I’m so excited to be back on the pitch next season with you all 

I love a pint, a ciggie, women and rugby! I’m a masters student in fire investigations so this means I’m actually really hot and if you vote me as vice chair I’ll remember this when you need a fire investigation or saving from a fire in the future 

Lots of love Eileen xxx

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