Candidate for the position of Surgical society - Chair

Jayantika Uniyal

Hello, my name is Jayantika Uniyal, a current 4th year medical student, running for President of Surgical Society for the upcoming year. I’m currently the chair of the UCLan Women in Surgery Society and the Vice-Chair of the Cardiothoracic Society.

Surgery is something that I am truly passionate about, and I want to take this opportunity to increase the reach and impact of the Surgical Society through in-person events, workshops, talks and a national conference. 

The various national positions I’ve held in the past few years with BIMA, NMRA, The National Anatomy teaching series etc have provided me with the experience, the social network and the organisational skills required to not only organise the below listed events but also increase student engagement and participation so that every medical student passionate about surgery, can gain something important and beneficial for their portfolio through the UCLan SurgSoc.

1. Suture skills workshops - basics and advanced taught and delivered by surgeons and peers, to be held every 2-3 weeks as a continuation series throughout the year.

2. ?Surgical research projects – student allocations for projects in collaboration with national organisations (NANSIG, SCTS, RCS etc) as well as with experienced Staff and peers from UCLan. 

3. ?Portfolio talks from surgeons with the opportunity for one -on-one feedback for your portfolio 

4. ?Workshops focused on surgical anatomy of different organs and hopefully dissections 

5. A regional and a national conference in collaboration with other surgical societies with the potential of workshops being held at UCLan.

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