Candidate for the position of Dance - Secretary

Image for Sophie Mcevoy

Sophie Mcevoy

Hey Everyone ! 

My name is Sophie. Some of you may know me and some may not. If you love a boogie on a Wednesday, then you most likely would have met me there but if not some of you may know me from classes. This year I took part in ballet class and lyrical class and it was my best year at university so far ! 

I have loved observing the amazing committee this year so I have decided that I would love to be a part of them next year. As an accident prone myself, I am very aware of all the falls and bumps that are involved in dance so having someone to write up all the risk assessments is vital in our beloved sport! (Let's hope none of us end up with injuries next year!) 

I would love the opportunity of being your secretary next year if you will have me and I can't wait to see everyone again doing what we love !!

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