Candidate for the position of Nursing Society - Chair

Amber Richards

My name is Amber, I'm a second year adult nursing student and I think I could help make a difference with the nursing society.

Ive noticed a lack of morale within recent intakes and reluctance to get involved, I'd like to be able to help change that and make involvement less daunting; I can talk for England and I think that could be useful in bringing students together. I'd like to create opportunities for people to come together informally to share knowledge, experiences and questions. 

I don't want students to feel as though they're divided by nursing field; we should all be able to experience the good, the bad and the ugly regardless of field. 

I'd like to open up topics of discussion, be an open form of support to anyone that requires it, and hopefully add some sarcasm and humour whilst I'm at it! 

I'm not promising the world, but morale is low and even simple informal conversations, laughs and different perspectives are a good way to start and make our career a little less daunting.


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