International Events Events

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Mon 6th January

Globe Cafe
7pm - 9pm
All Saints Church, Elizabeth Street, Preston, PR12RX
All international students are welcome! Making friends, crossing cultures, and practising English.

Wed 15th January

International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.

Wed 26th February

International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.

Wed 5th March

International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.

Wed 9th April

International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.
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