Returning Students Events

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Forthcoming Events

Tue 25th February

UCLan SU Pride
11am - 3pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
During LGBTQIA+ History Month we at the SU are Celebrating the LGBT community.

Wed 26th February

Inclusivity Preston logo Inclusivity Support
6pm - 7:30pm
Harrington Building
Gender Outreach: Trans and non-binary peer support and social group

Wed 12th March

Trans and Non-Binary Gender Outreach Drop In
noon - 2pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
A space for trans and non-binary students to drop in and chat with gender outreach workers!

Wed 19th March

Black Students Feedback forum flyer Black Students Feedback Forum
1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Meeting Room
Join our Black Students Feedback Forum to share your experiences, challenges and ideas for making our university a better place for you.

Wed 26th March

Disabled Students Forum Flyer Disabled Students' Forum
2pm - 4pm
Kirkham Building (KM13)
A space where disabled students can give feedback on Support Information, Advice and Guidance.
Inclusivity Preston logo Inclusivity Support
6pm - 8pm
Harrington Building
Gender Outreach: Trans and non-binary peer support and social group

Tue 1st April

Disabled Students' Forum - Burnley
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Victoria Mill -VM108
Disabled Students' Forum Burnley

Wed 9th April

Trans and Non-Binary Gender Outreach Drop In
noon - 2pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
A space for trans and non-binary students to drop in and chat with gender outreach workers!

Wed 16th April

Black Students Feedback forum flyer Black Students Feedback Forum
1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Meeting Room
Join our Black Students Feedback Forum to share your experiences, challenges and ideas for making our university a better place for you.

Wed 30th April

Inclusivity Preston logo Inclusivity Support
6pm - 7:30pm
Harrington Building
Gender Outreach: Trans and non-binary peer support and social group

Wed 28th May

Inclusivity Preston logo Inclusivity Support
6pm - 7:30pm
Harrington Building
Gender Outreach: Trans and non-binary peer support and social group

Wed 11th June

Trans and Non-Binary Gender Outreach Drop In
noon - 2pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
A space for trans and non-binary students to drop in and chat with gender outreach workers!
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