Seated Events

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Forthcoming Events

Wed 12th March

Trans and Non-Binary Gender Outreach Drop In
noon - 2pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
A space for trans and non-binary students to drop in and chat with gender outreach workers!

Tue 1st April

Disabled Students' Forum - Burnley
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Victoria Mill -VM108
Disabled Students' Forum Burnley

Wed 9th April

Trans and Non-Binary Gender Outreach Drop In
noon - 2pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
A space for trans and non-binary students to drop in and chat with gender outreach workers!

Wed 11th June

Trans and Non-Binary Gender Outreach Drop In
noon - 2pm
Union Cafe - UCLan Students Union Building Preston Campus
A space for trans and non-binary students to drop in and chat with gender outreach workers!
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