International Students' Feedback Forum

International Students' Feedback Forum

Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters - share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.

Your input is essential in shaping a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.


Globe Cafe
24th February 7pm - 9pm
All Saints Church, Elizabeth Street, Preston, PR12RX
All international students are welcome! Making friends, crossing cultures, and practising English.
Society | International Students | International Events
International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
26th February 1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.
Union | Representation | Accessible WCs | International Events | Union Events
Globe Cafe
3rd March 7pm - 9pm
All Saints Church, Elizabeth Street, Preston, PR12RX
All international students are welcome! Making friends, crossing cultures, and practising English. Join us to celebrate pancake day with free pancakes!
Society | International Students | International Events
International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
5th March 1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.
Union | Representation | Accessible WCs | International Events
International Student Feedback forum flyer International Students Feedback Forum
9th April 1pm - 3pm
Flintoff Room UCLan SU
Calling ALL international students at UCLan! Your voice matters-- share your experiences, challenges, and ideas for making our university a better place for you.
Union | Representation | Accessible WCs | International Events


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