This year’s By-Elections are now over! Thank you to all our candidates and to all the students who voted. Find the results for each of the elections here!
Voting has closed and the count has been completed in this week’s By-Elections. We are pleased to announce the successfully elected people who will be representing you for the remainder or the academic year. Thank you to all students involved in last week's By-Elections, whether it was putting yourself forward as a candidate or voting, we're thankful you've taken the time to care about your vote.
In some of the elections that were taking place in this By-Election, 0 votes were cast and where a candidate has been running unopposed (with no votes being cast for either the candidate or Re-Open Nominations) we have had to rule this election has not successfully taken place. This is to ensure the process remains democratic and fair, it is important we share this decision by the Deputy Returning Officer with our members.
You can see a full list of winners for each role below.
If you would like to see a break down of any of the results, please email and the team will get back to when they can.
Results List
School President Elections
School President for the School of Health, Social Work and Sport (with Council seat)
Reopen Nominations
School of Arts & Media (without Council Seat)
Andra Pavalache
Students’ Council
Disabled Students’ Rep
Abigail Beavan
Womens' Rep
Aqsa Mahmood
Open Council
Onoriode Esiobise
Nirupama Bhatt
Zain Patel