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Men's Health Week 2023

This week is Men’s Health Awareness week aiming to raise awareness of preventable health problems that disproportionately affect men and encourage them to gain the courage to tackle their issues. Our Summer Intern Jess has written a blog with some top tips on maintaining good health.

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Men’s Health Awareness Week is all about supporting all men with not just physical health but also mental wellbeing too. Below are top tips for maintaining good health in men.


Get regular check-ups

You should listen to what your body needs and get a checkup if you feel anything is wrong – early detection can make all the difference. Feeling physically unwell? Contact the doctor for a checkup, it could be nothing, but it could be something. Feeling mentally down? Talk to a member of the wellbeing team for support and advice or contact your local GP.


Stay active

Staying active can help maintain both your physical and mental wellbeing through both social and individual exercise. It gives you time away from the stress of work and education to focus on yourself and your wellbeing.


Asking for help doesn’t make you less of a man

Asking for help does not show weakness but demonstrates courage. Talking about your health and the problems that you face allows the creation of shared experiences and information amongst your peers, you never know who needs help.


Check in with your friends and family

Not everyone is verbal with their issues and may be afraid to approach someone for help. Check in on your friends, even just talking about current work and school stress can help, and relieve the pressure someone may be feeling.


The Students Union

Here at the Students Union we are always here to support you, and under the advice and support tab on our website you will find advice from housing and finance to mental help. Need help with a specific wellbeing issue? Contact an advisor in the Advice Center for extra support.



The Students' Union has an Advice Centre which can be found on the ground floor of the Students’ Union building on the Preston campus. We might physically be on the Preston campus, but we’re here to support all our students, regardless of where they study, and you can access our full service online.

The team can help all students with advice on a range of matters including; academic issues, welfare benefits, housing or financial issues which might be negatively impacting on your studies and wellbeing.

Our advisors are here to offer free advice in a professional but friendly, relaxed environment. We won’t judge you, we're here to help you as much as we can, regardless of your issues.

The University’s Student Support, Health & Wellbeing Service is also available to all UCLan students. You can access the on-campus Medical Centre and pharmacy, as well as having access to the trained counsellors and mental health advisors.


Below are a list of links and services that you may find useful:

Men's Health Forum (

Men's Health Week | NHS Professionals

External Support Services (

Advice & Support (

Mental Health (

Counselling, mental health and wellbeing service (

Men's Health Week 2023 (




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