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Mental Health Awareness Week: Anxiety

This weeks marks UK Mental Health Awareness Week, and this years key focus and theme is Anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem

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This weeks marks UK Mental Health Awareness Week, and this years key focus and theme is Anxiety.

Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem.

Lots of things can lead to feelings of anxiety, including exam pressures, relationships, starting a new job (or losing one) or other big life events. We can also get anxious when it comes to things to do with money and not being able to meet our basic needs, like heating our home or buying food. But anxiety can be made easier to manage.

Focusing on anxiety for this year's Mental Health Awareness Week will increase people's awareness and understanding of anxiety by providing information on the things that can help prevent it from becoming a problem. At the same time, The Mental Health Foundation will keep up the pressure to demand change - making sure that improving mental health is a key priority for the government and society as a whole.

Visit their website here for more information and how to access help 


Dealing with anxiety can be hard. But there are some things we can do to manage these tough feelings.

Have a read through this article from the Mental Health Foundation and find out what might work for you 

Tips on how to cope with Anxiety  and downloadable guide 


If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, experience difficulties with your health, personal life, or studies, please access confidential support and advice as early as possible from the CMHW team.

To access support, please complete the online referral form.

If you have any questions, please contact the Counselling, Mental Health & Wellbeing team by emailing

Alternatively, you can telephone them on 01772 893020. Both their email and voicemail are monitored from 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday and from 10am – 6pm on Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.

If you have an emergency that requires immediate assistance from UCLan, please contact UCLan Security on 01772 892068, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they will contact the out of hours Advisors or On Call Manager.

You can find out more about the University’s Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service on their website here


If you would prefer to access external help, here a few organisations that may be able to help:

External Support (Non-UCLan)

  • The Haven offers a calm environment for anyone seeking emotional support and advice. Call 0300 008 3672 or email

  • Mental Health Helpline on 0800 9154640 Mon - Friday 7pm-11pm, Sat-Sun 12-12 (The Helpline is a listening, information and emotional support service for those concerned about their own mental health, or that of someone they know.)
  • NHS Non-Emergency Direct Line on 111
  • The Samaritans on 116123 (No dial code required) or TEXT: 07725909090. Free 24-hour 7 days a week support.
  • PAPYRUS HOPELine UK on 0800 068 41 41, TEXT: 07786 209697, email (HOPELineUK is a specialist telephone service staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgmental support, practical advice and information to Children, teenagers and young people up to the age of 35 who are worried about how they are feeling and to anyone who is concerned about a young person)
  • SANEline Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers. 0300 304 7000 (daily, 4.30pm to 10.30pm)

  • No Panic on 0844967 4848 10am-10pm Everyday (help line is answered by trained volunteers to give out information, show empathy and support for people who suffer from Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders.

  • The Wellbeing & Mental Health Texting Service Text Hello to 07860 022846 (Mon - Fri 7pm - 11pm, Sat - Sun 12pm - 12 am) Providing emotional support to those who may prefer to communicate via text.




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