
About us

Floorball is a fun sport which blends the gameplay of ice hockey with some elements of field hockey - but is low contact, indoors, uses a ball instead of  puck and we don't play on ice!

So why should you join us?

  • Mixed teams, everyone is welcome - any age, ability or background.
  • You can join at any point throughout the year as your first session is always free, so don't worry if you miss the taster sessions.
  • All equipment is provided, just bring trainers and water.
  • Qualified coach
  • Both students and staff are welcome
  • Participate in freindly competitions- including the UK University Floorball league, when we host in March!
  • Meet lots of new people whilst discovering a new sport and having an awesome time 
  • Keep fit and relieve stress 
  • No trials or set squads, only play in competitive matches if you wish to 
  • Freindly and welcoming atmosphere 

UCLAN Floorball origin story

  • We established the club in October 2023 after the founding members stumbled across this sport and we haven't looked back since 
  • Since then, we have had over 200 different people play, participated in a freindly against Durham Floorball, and won the "rising stars award" at the ACE's in May 2024
  • The majority of our membership have never played (or even heard) of Floorball, so don't worry if you haven't either!
  • This is a exciting opportunity to be a part of a rapidly growing UCLAN community 

Annual Floorball membership info

  • £10 student membership, £20 associate membership 
  • This membership gives you access to two training sessions per week, a typical training session will consist of drills to help develop your floorball skills and always includes a game!
  • Your membership helps us grow and develop UCLAN Floorball - allowing us to purchase new equipment and facillitates the general running of the club

check our Instagram page for latest session times and updates. 🏒




Committee Members



Events Coordinator

Media & Social Secretary

Team Captain

Session Signups

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Floorball session
19th March
Floorball is a fun sport which blends the gameplay of ice hockey with some elements of field hockey - but is low contact, indoors, uses a ball instead of puck and we don't play on ice!
Floorball session
21st March
STFSC- Sports hall
Floorball session
26th March
53 Degrees
Floorball is a fun sport which blends the gameplay of ice hockey with some elements of field hockey - but is low contact, indoors, uses a ball instead of puck and we don't play on ice!
Floorball session
28th March
STFSC- Sports hall
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Money Request