"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." - Karl Marx.
Over 150 years ago, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed the revolutionary philosophy which came to be known as Marxism, based on a scientific understanding of the world along with its economic and historical developments. The words etched onto the pages of their masterpiece, "The Communist Manifesto", have stood the test of time and are even more relevant today than when they were written.
If you're a student or member of staff at UCLan and you want to be able to truly understand the events and phenomena of our world in all their complexity, as well as how we can transform the foundations of modern society for the better, this is the place for you!
We aim to host regular meetings throughout the year where we will cover everything from the basics of politics and philosophy right up to the burning questions of our age. If you're looking for revolutionary ideas at UCLan, we look forward to meeting you!
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