
About us


During Medical School exposure to radiology is minimal and therefore it is important that medical students are given an appreciation for such an important speciality of medicine. The UCLan Radiology Society aims to engage students with radiology primarily through its teaching and workshop events. This will help students to be able to understand the importance of radiology. Working with the Royal College or Radiologists we can put out events for students to keep them informed about Radiology.

Our main aims are to introduce radiology as a career to students of all years, and provide teaching sessions which will focus on the usage and interpretation of radiology in the clinical setting as well as a chance to understand how research in radiology is undertaken and how to get involved with it.

Committee Members




Research Lead 1

Research Lead 2

Session Signups

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Pathways to Radiology
26th March
Teams meeting
Pathways to Radiology seminar
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Money Request
