Welcome! This society is for any UCLan students interested in Psychology.
Help our society become a community!
We host fun psychology related events on a regular basis (i.e. guest lectures, themed socials, quizzes etc)
Collaboration! We aim to create a society that's grounded in social support, to help students make friends whilst having fun! Not only will we host our own events, but we're working closely with other UCLan societies to host co-events and give our members a chance to socialise with other students too :)
Fundraising! We're a committee that's passionate about helping our community to thrive and raising funds and awareness for life-changing local charities.
Work through our university experience together - Make friends, work together and have fun!
If any of this interests you, why not sign up to the society? (It's only £2 for a full year of membership- we promise it's worth it!)
Follow us on our Instagram page to keep you up to date with what's going on!
Or if you have any questions or would like to get involved, please do get in touch with either Safurah (shans2@uclan.ac.uk) or Eleanor (ekershaw5@uclan.ac.uk), presidents, or any other members of the committee!
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