Academic Staff Hub

Welcome to our resource bank for all resources related to Course Rep elections, student engagement, and student voice activity.

We know you are busy and looking for good-quality materials you can pick-up and use. We also know that the elections seem like a complex and daunting task in addition to everything you are already doing.

We’ve created these resources to support and enhance the election process for Course Reps, as well as make life easier for you!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact


Academic Representation 

Academic Representation for University Staff Handbook

Course Representative - Roles and Responsibilities

School President - Roles and Responsibilities

UCLan Course Rep System: recruitment project document


Students Feedback Forums and Student Feedback Reviews

Sharepoint information


Course Rep Election Documents

Course Representative Election Training Recording

Course Representative Election Video

A4 Course Rep Election Ballot Paper Printable

A5 Course Rep Election Ballot Paper Printable (2 per Page)


Mentimeter Guides

Create your Mentimeter account

How to use Mentimeter




School Presidents and Course Reps are required to attend training with the Students' Union, if you want to see what they cover you can see this on the School President and Course Rep Hub


Course Reps should be elected in the first 3 teaching week of a programme.

For September start groups, the deadline for registration with their Schools Operations Managers is 18th October.

This is to ensure all Course Reps are trained and inducted as soon as possible.


Please let your Associate Dean and School Operations Manager know as soon as possible. They will then provide us with all Course Rep details for the School so that we can train them thoroughly


Yes, Course Rep elections have moved in-class. Each course group needs to democratically elect a representative.

We have created a short recorded workshop to explain how to do this. Find it in the staff training section above.


If there is a draw you have a two options:

A. (If there are other candidates who received a different number of votes) remove all other candidates and repeat the election as a run-off (think final round of the Conservative leadership race, or the French Presidential election)

B. Explain the situation to the group, and ask for their consent to register both candidates as representatives of the group.

We generally recommend option b. as the least disruptive solution.


We generally recommend 1 Course Rep per 50 students. However, where possible, for significantly larger cohorts we recommend splitting the group into smaller timetabling or personal tutoring groups to make the role manageable.

If your course group(s) are particularly small, there may be cause to combine several groups where there is shared core taught content or time.


There are a lot of digital systems and apps that work well in delivering elections. If you already use VeVox, that is a good option.

We have created guidance on how to use Mentimeter as it is an easy and simple app to use and set-up. Find our guidance here.


Running a vote in-person is very simple. We have created ballot papers, which are available to download and print above.

Simply hand these out, ask students to write the name of their preferred candidate, and collect them back in. The candidate(s) with the most votes win!


Once registered, we will invite elected Course Reps to training and share their details with our School Presidents. Course Reps also join a private Teams area and are supported throughout the year.


If you are a student, and would like to nominate yourself as Course Rep, please contact your Course Leader directly to let them know.


We can speak to your group in-person on-campus or via Teams. Please contact us through


Course Reps should be elected within the first 3 teaching weeks of a programme. The process for elections, and support in-place, is exactly the same regardless of entry point.


Yes, apprentice or work-based learning groups require a Course Rep.


Yes, apprentice or work-based learning groups require a Course Rep. Typically, courses running for a few months are not well served by the Course Rep role (due to the timeframes associated with training and election). Please contact us on to discuss alternative options.


Yes, we can support you to conduct elections digitally or asynchronously to best suit your group.

Alternatively, we can support you to run elections at a later date when the group are next together.

If you have any questions, please refer to our Staff Hub for resources and link or email


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