Tired of getting emails every week regarding offers for your Student Group or reminders from the Students' Union about important society information to your personal uni email?
An easy solution for every Student group to have a separate email regarding all the necessary information being sent to one account that all committee members can have access to! The Students' Union themselves have been pushing for this idea but there's no harm in students having their say in this too.
Who thought this was a good idea?
Us! During a training event in Livesey House, multiple committee members from different Student Groups agreed that this would be a good idea. Now we want this to become a reality.
What would it do?
A separate account would provide a designated place for Student Group related emails to go - including brands/businesses reaching out, student group collaborations and teams notifications. Additionally, it gives potential and current members an account to contact the committee if necessary.
Why do we want this?
It's very easy to miss an email or two when you're a stressed uni student with responsibilities on top of more responsibilities. Whether you miss a deadline on a grant application or miss a deadline on an assignment, it's not fun. So to avoid this issue, separating your uni work from committee work allows for a less cluttered workspace.
Bonus Reasons
The account provides a shared area where committee members can save information, important dates and contact details.
There are also committee members in multiple Student Groups where it can cause confusions in their inbox on some ends. If that person were to have access to separate accounts, it would avoid that (hopefully).
tl;dr are you in a student group committee but hate the email spam? interact with this and hopefully you won't have to deal with it as much because it'll be on a separate account.
Thank you for reading <3