The media factory cafe was not only the most accessible and convenient space for people in the media factory to get food, but it was also often an opportunity to socialise with the other courses. Making connections within the arts is vital for students and staff as we can provide each other with opportunities, without this space it deprives us of healthy food, and connections. On the really practical courses it's also not possible or accessible to get to the other university cafes between lessons - the vending machines do not provide good alternatives. Whilst it's been made into a kitchen area/social space, without someone working there to maintain it, there are worries it won't be as respected. We already have several kitchens in the media factory which make this entirely unnecessary and therefore not a solution.
Proposed Plan of Action:
Make the space a University ran cafe:
- More affordable for students!
- Provides healthy and fulfilling meals - People will maintain and respect the space
- Social area for staff and students
- Easier for people to get food if they're on practical courses and/or have mobility issues
- A space for visitors when seeing shows or guests on campus