Annual Members' Meeting

Annual Members' Meeting 

The Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) returns on Tuesday 1st April from 4pm to 7pm.

Whether you’re looking to make a change, ask questions, or simply stay informed, this is a fantastic opportunity to get involved.

It’s also a chance to check in on your elected Officers, see what they’ve accomplished, ask questions and ensure they’re delivering on their promises.

Step 1 – Book your place

This meeting is open to all students. You can attend in person at the Harrington Lecture Theatre or join remotely on Microsoft Teams.

Whether you have an idea to put forward, want to debate a motion, or just fancy some free food and drinks, make sure to book your place.

Step 2 – Learn more

The AMM is your chance to check in on what the Officers have done, ask them questions and see if they’ve made the changes they promised.

Step 3 – Submit a motion/resolution

A motion is your suggestion for something the SU should do or change. We call it a “resolution” at this meeting. If it passes, it becomes official Union policy for three years.

Simply put, a motion/resolution is a student idea submitted specifically for this meeting.

Debating these ideas makes sure we consider everyone’s viewpoints and set the right priorities.

If you’re ready to submit a motion, do so by Friday 29th March. We’ll then share your proposal so other students can suggest tweaks or improvements before the meeting.

Example: “Make the SU 100% plant-based” could be changed to “Ensure SU outlets offer more plant-based options.”

Don’t worry if you’ve never written a motion before – we’re here to help.

Step 4 – Attend the meeting

Once the motions are set, all you need to do is come to the meeting on Tuesday 1st April 4pm 7pm at Harrington Lecture Theatre or join us online.

There’ll be discussions, voting, and (of course) free food and refreshments. It’s a relaxed environment where you can see what’s happening, ask questions and help make decisions that matter to students.

Other information
Appointments for 2024-25:

Financial Auditors - Haines Watts

Returning Officer - Peter Robertson, NUS Charity Director (Deputy Returning Officer - Hannah Mason, UCLan SU)

Intended Affiliations

Training, Professional Development and Information:

Facilitation of Student Sport and Access to Competitions:

  • National and Local Governing Bodies for Sports

National Representation of Students Interests, Support and Access to Cost Savings for Trading Arms:

More information

For full details, check out our Articles and Byelaws. If you have questions, email

We’d love to see you there – get involved and make a difference!

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